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Parent Guide
Partnerships between the community, families, and schools aid in raising academic standards.
- When communities, families, and schools collaborate, students:
receive better grades;
attend classes more frequently;
continue to study;
and have higher motivation. - Students of all ages, from all backgrounds, and of every colour and nationality can agree with this. For students to succeed in school, a range of supports covering the range of social, health, and academic requirements may be required. High-quality schools have a track record of collaborating with families, the community, and other organizations to enhance student outcomes across the board.

Parent Guide
- Guidelines:
- Teaching English and Thai
- Math Skills
Chindamanee Nursery provides education to children from 18 months to 3 years old.
At Chindamanee, we remain committed to bringing the highest quality early childhood education and care to our children and their families. We regularly update our curricula based on international standards and our children and families’ needs.
In a small, home style class environment with our experienced teachers’ guidelines and school system; your child will build skills and confidence through games, songs, movement and art. By encouraging them through plays, they will learn sharing, cooperating, taking turns and finally importance of being team player.
Our daily activities develop reading and writing skills and introduce important literacy concepts. During the day, some of activities are designed to develop speaking and language skills in both Thai and English. Everyday class teachers focus on vocabulary development, teaching how to follow simple directions, identifying and naming familiar names in Thai. Chindamanee provides English lessons 9-10 hours a week by experienced foreign English teachers who will give early literacy skills to children. By singing, playing, drawing and similar activities, children will learn basic vocabularies and phrases. They will learn how to follow simple directions, identifying and naming familiar names.
Our program offers daily opportunities for children to count, recognize numbers and shapes, and experiment with volume and measurement. Inclusion in daily routines and imaginative playtime gives your child the opportunity to further develop skills in numbers and operation, mathematics,
and measurement.
- Creative Arts
- Physical Development
- Class Size and Ages Groups
Children will learn to express themselves as they are introduced to various artistic activities such as dancing, painting and pretend play. Your child will learn about cause-and-effect relationships and self-expression through the arts and music, and will begin to share his or her knowledge in new ways with other children.
Our classrooms are designed so that children can safely explore their environment. By keeping active, your child will improve coordination, build motor skills and discover his or her physical abilities. For outside activities, children play in Nursery and KG playgrounds.
Chindamanee Nursery Class is designed to educate at most 25 children at the same time. Therefore, whenever the class size reaches its maximum level, the students are divided into two classes based on their ages. During the division, there is no problem about adaptation of children to their new classes because class teachers and assistant teachers are trained and prepared themselves for
division. Nursery serves whole year, there is no holiday for nursery. Since activities and teachings are mostly designed for entertaining based, children never feel tired or exhausted. Children may start any time to their parents’ convenience. To understand whether being ready or not, nursery teachers may help you.
8.30 | 9.00 | Morning Activities |
9.00 | 9.40 | Lesson* |
9.40 | 9.50 | Milk Time |
9.50 | 10.30 | Lesson |
10.35 | 11.15 | Lesson |
11.15 | 12.15 | Lunch |
12.15 | 14.30 | Nap |
14.30 | 14.45 | Snack Time |
14.45 | 15.25 | Lesson |
15.30 | 16.10 | After School Tutoring |
* Lesson: It is not an actual lesson, class teacher teach and prepare suitable activities, games for children.
* After School Tutoring: Review and waiting for parents to pick their children.
Parent Guide
- Why Choose Chindamanee School
- Teaching English
- Teaching Thai
Chindamanee School Cambridge Program established its Kindergarten section in 2006. Currently we have about 150 children through Nursery to Kindergarten 3 and 13 Thai and foreigner teachers with 6 teacher assistants.
Our educational program is based on the combination of Thai curriculum and integrating materials and practices from English-speaking countries. We strive to provide a caring and motivating environment for children where they can grow and develop mentally and emotionally, and acquire a wide range of social and academic skills.
Education management in Kindergarten aims at supporting the students to be able to develop themselves in 4 areas as follows: physiology, mood, society, and intelligence. These aims will be achieved through learning by doing or experience. The mediums of learning are English and Thai languages in a lovely and warm atmosphere which enhances their moral, attention in their work, reading and attitude towards nature, environment and Thai wisdom.
- Qualified and experienced Thai and English teachers
- There are two full-time teachers in every classroom, therefore all children get the care and
attention they need for their emotional, social and academic development - English class teachers stay with the children all day and use English with the children in
everyday activities, not only in formal lessons - Classrooms are equipped with an active board, a computer, internet access and projector, making learning more fun
- Motivating early literacy program, getting children ready for primary school
- Assessments focusing on development and progress, no scores or percentages
- Friendly family atmosphere
English at Chindamanee is an interactive and fun experience. At KG, our focus is on speaking English as well as writing, reading and students cover all English skills comprehensively. Lessons encompass a mixture of Phonics, writing, role-playing, reading and listening. Teachers are very energetic and like to see the students take center stage during lessons.
Students learn Thai every day in class and study subjects in Thai as well as English. Our Thai lessons incorporate lots of songs and fun activities. From an early age, students learn to recognize and write and say the Thai alphabet. Special emphasis is placed on students’ learning. We also value Thai manners and proper respect for family, teachers, fellow students and community members.
- Strong Collegial Relationship of Teachers
- Other subjects
- Clubs
- Field Trips
Our Thai teachers work closely with their foreign partners with the aim of providing a safe and happy learning environment with the students. Both teachers are present during lessons so that new vocabulary can be taught to students in both languages and that teachers can bond with the students by helping and encouraging them with their work. Each class has a teacher assistant who provides care, support and discipline for the students. The teacher assistant has an excellent working relationship with the Thai teacher and the foreign teacher.
In addition to English and Thai, KG students study Math, Life Experience, Art, Music, PE, Educational Games and Swimming. Once a week, KG 2 and 3 also attend a computer class which is taught in English. Students follow a well-balanced curriculum in order to gain a full set of skills for their later school career.
Students are given the option of joining one of the many numbers of clubs. The clubs that are currently available are the Art club, Music club, Inventors’ Club, Thai dance club and Story-telling club. Clubs give the students the opportunity to develop their skills in a particular area of their interest.
Field Trips offer exciting ways to learn. Students will have the opportunity to go on field trips at various times throughout the school year.
- Duty teachers
- Morning Activity
- Break time
Thai and foreign teachers are tasked to stand by the gate to greet parents, students and guests with a ‘wai’ every morning and during dismissal time in the afternoon.
Morning assembly starts at 8:30 am with various activities for each day. Mondays are for vocabulary games, Tuesdays for proper Thai manners and singing, Wednesdays for Phonic games, Thursdays for aerobics and Fridays for story-telling.
Teaching Methods (foreign teachers) English, Math and Life Experience lessons are taught in a very interactive and fun way. The foreign teachers incorporate many interesting ways of maximizing students’ learning. Optimum utilization of instructional resources is highly regarded as one of the major aspects in enhancing students’ achievement and performance.
Playing in the class (class teachers)
Chindamanee believes that happy teachers bear happy students and we like to generate an environment where students can freely socialize with their peers through games and activities initiated by the class teachers both Thai and foreign.
Our teachers love to take the kids out to the playground and play with them. This is one way of getting them motivated and to take time to enjoy just being with their peers which also helps develop their interpersonal skills.
- Milk Time
- Lining up for lunch
- Eating lunch
- Washing hands/brushing teeth
Each morning at 9:40 am, the kids have their milk break with the assistance of the class teachers (Thai and foreign) and also the Thai teacher assistant.
At 11:15, the kids are asked to line up and go to the bathroom to wash their hands before going to the cafeteria.
Before taking lunch, the kids are assisted by two teachers per class. The kids are trained to speak English when asking for more food or water and good manners are always emphasized.
Every after lunch, the kids are taken to our very cozy bathrooms to wash their hands and brush their teeth.
8.30 | 9.00 | Ceremony |
9.00 | 9.40 | Lesson |
9.40 | 9.50 | Milk Time |
9.50 | 10.30 | Lesson |
10.35 | 11.15 | Lesson |
11.15 | 12.15 | Lunch |
12.15 | 12.55 | Nap/Lesson |
13.05 | 13.45 | Nap/Lesson |
13.50 | 14.30 | Lesson |
14.30 | 14.45 | Snack Time |
14.45 | 15.25 | Lesson |
Parent Guide
Chindamanee’s Primary Section is following an Cambridge Program with the aim of Enhancing English language skills of students, as English is the most important international language used world-wide.
Enabling students to adapt what they learn in class to their daily lives and to continue their education successfully in the future.
The Content and Curriculum Structure of the school is in accordance with the curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education, and incorporating successful curricula from abroad to ensure that the students are able to communicate effectively in English besides speaking Thai language fluently and behaving according to Thai culture.
There are 10 subject groups taught in Primary Section, namely Thai, English, Mathematics, Science, Social-Religion and Culture, Career Education and Technology, Art-Music-Dance, Physical Education and Health Education, Supplementary Mathematics, Supplementary Science.
English, Mathematics, Science and Health Education subjects are taught in English by native English speaking teachers. Thai teachers teach Social-Religion and Culture, Career Education and Technology, Art-Music-Dance, Physical Education, Supplementary Mathematics, Supplementary Science and Learner Development Activities (Boy Scout and Clubs). A wide range of clubs are available in Thai and/or in English depending on students’ skills and interests.
Parent Guide
To prepare our students for a better future, Chindamanee School Cambridge Program enrolls students who are willing to study in Cambridge Program through Year 7 to Year 13.
In selection of students, our highly-qualified educators scan students through a placement test and one-on-one interview. Those with satisfactory test results and passing interview will be asked to fill out the application form at the front office; information. All the student information will be uploaded to the school database; ActivSchool.
According to the English level of the student, student will be informed to take Extra English Course designed by the school. Summer school for first year students is compulsory. Students will be followed closely regarding their progress in English and other subjects and parents will be updated on their children’s progress systematically. College counseling will be available for our students starting from Grade 10.
Our college counselor will meet every student periodically and guide them for their higher education in university. Quota opportunities of different prestigious universities will be made known to individuals who have qualifications fitting those universities’ requirements.
Chindamanee School Cambridge Program is committed to generating students who are equipped with strong academic skills and universal moral values whom are highly needed by the society.