Nursery Kindergarten
Chindamanee School Nursery - Kindergarten Section gives students the opportunity to grow and develop through learning and play. It is a time for children to love learning, build knowledge, and experience getting along with others. A child’s first step to education is the most crucial part of life. So, let the first step be the best! At our school.
Kindergarten Section aims to provide bilingual education in which two languages can be naturally learned: English (80%) and Thai (20%). We deliver both the Thai curriculum (Thailand’s Ministry of Education’s standards) and the Cambridge EYFS curriculum educating students from 2 to 5 years old. We make it our mission to enrich our kindergarten students in all manners of life. There are various things for the students to explore in our classrooms, from the abundance of books, flashcards, and developmental toys to smart boards and other instructional aids.
Our students learn English, Phonics, Math, Science, Moral education, Thai, Art, Music, Computer, Swimming, Physical Education and Storytelling. We teach the students how to grow and harvest food as well on the school premises to ensure the students learn basic life skills as well as standard education.
We also provide our students with extra-curricular activities such as English, Science, Art, Math, Cooking and Homework club as an after-school activity and participate in competitions against other schools. We also display the student’s work in our classrooms to help them learn the value of pride in their work and accomplishments.

We believe that students should celebrate each milestone they conquer and help them to feel uplifted by having ceremonies such as Star of the Month and birthday celebrations.
We hire qualified professionals English Teachers from native-speaking countries and Thai Teachers working together with one Teacher assistant inside the classroom. Each classroom with a student population of 15-20 students is equipped with high educational technology and indoor/outdoor playgrounds.
We have a Native English Speaking teacher in each classroom, a Thai teacher and a nanny to assist with any needs your child may have. Our staff are a very dedicated team that works not only with students but parents too, ensuring we do home visits to keep parents informed of the student's progress and parent meetings hosted at the school.
Our education experts and leaders structured the most advanced curriculum for the students to be up-to-date with the international standards of learning. With high-powered academics, your child will be more dynamic and involved. We ensure to provide the highest quality early learning experience that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe in a fun environment.

Teachers teach English literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening skills), Phonics, Mathematics, Science, Thai language and Arts. Our curriculum is organized to take care and develop the whole child. On the other hand, we believe that a child’s environment does not simply rely on classes alone. We want learning to be more experiential so we crafted the best child-friendly activities to ensure your kid’s well-roundedness. This will not only promote your child’s intellect but will highlight all the important aspects of growth and development and not just their academic learning, it also covers a range of extracurricular activities.
As a tight-knit community, Chindamanee School Cambridge Program’s commitment to bring each child, parent and teachers to a family-like environment is what we have always been known for. We have lined-up numerous activities to keep the relationship more fun and engaging. Join us now as we guarantee that your child’s success starts with us!
We go on educational field trips each semester to Science museums, Planetariums, Aquariums, Kidzania etc. to give our students a more exciting way of learning in a different environment and broadening their minds.
At CSCP we encourage our students to participate in community outreach programs such as “helping hands” and other charitable events. We also encourage the community to join us when we host events at our school such as Academic day, Sports day, Mother’s day and Father’s day.
We strive to build the characters of our students, to help them understand their community and be a successful part in it, we also host members from various careers to come in and talk to students about what they do so our students gather an understanding of how communities support each other. We work to enhance not only their intellect but their creativity and physical development as well.